Agnès Films – Film Review of Sands of Silence |

Agnès Films, supporting women and feminist filmmakers recently reviewed, Chelo Alvarez-Stehle’s Sands of Silence, documentary film. The review by Julie Caper Roth, says: “Sands of Silence demonstrates that trauma is not merely the plight of women in far-off lands. It can exist close to home and can only be felled by transparency and communication. The narratives contained within the documentary make this film a helpful resource for individuals and groups tackling the issues of abuse and sex-trafficking.”

RTVE Broadcast

SANDS OF SILENCE: Waves of Courage

Geolocalized broadcast in Spain’s territories on the occasion of the

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

RTVE (Radio Televisión Española),

the country’s public television system which counts with the largest audience.

Read below my #MeToo article published in Spain’s daily EL PAÍS on the eve of the broadcast.

“Eran las cinco en punto de la tarde. Y estaba de los nervios. Mientras escribía estas líneas estaba a punto de salir a manifestarme. A punto de unirme al grito unísono: “Basta de agresiones. Respetad nuestro cuerpo”. Estaba de los nervios y trataba de controlar las lágrimas, porque unas horas más tarde, cualquiera podía ver una radiografía de mi vida. Mi vida y la de mi familia, al desnudo. Nerviosa por lo que supone romper el silencio ante millones de espectadores…”

READ FULL ARTICLE "No nos callamos más" Sands of Silence en El País


Broadcast in La Noche Temática

(The themed night), a documentary program that addresses

society, culture and current affairs from different point of views.


United Nations

July 10th, 2017

Sands of Silence was featured at the High-Level Political Forum, United Nations, New York.

We had the honor to present our film at the panel entitled

Eradicate Poverty by Eradicating Silence About Sexual Violence:
Forging the Link Between Gender Rights and Prosperity through Arts and Media

along with our partner Equality Now

“Exploitation, violence against women and poverty go together.”
— Román Oyarzun Marchesi, Spain’s Mission to the U.N. Ambassador

Check out this short video clip of the opening remarks by Spain’s Permanent Mission to the UN Ambassador:


“For those people who do not care about social issues:
Rape is the most costly crime in the US and in most countries.
It tears apart our social fabric because all the money we need to spend                                                                              in legal, law enforcement and medical areas.”
—Elizabeth Cronin, Director of the New York Office of Victim Services

Elizabeth Croning addressing the panel

Main character and survivor Virginia Isaias, Chelo Alvarez-Stehle, editor Marla Ulloa

Access to technology can counter sexual exploitation | FORBES


SANDS OF SILENCE Film Campaign Featured in Forbes Magazine:

by Rebecca Sadwick and Sarah Godoy

Forbes Magazine


Forbes Magazine – Febr. 29, 2016 – “In a campaign that calls for immediate action, Chelo Alvarez-Stehle’s film Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage has engaged a global community by illustrating cultural and systemic factors that reinforce the sexual abuse continuum.”
In addition to the dialogue and democratization of discourse, free and openly accessible social media platforms facilitate a space for victims and survivors to communicate, access help, and build new communities.

Read more
